How to prepare a SIM card when you decide to travel to Maldives? If you have an eSIM compatible terminal, we recommend purchasing with eSIM!
- 2023.01.09
- 格安スマホ

There are few SIM choices that can be used in the Maldives!
I think there are many people who prepare pocket WiFi and SIM cards when traveling, but I think that Maldives SIM cards are difficult to prepare for many travelers.
For example, the Maldives is not included in the target countries of “SIM2Fly’s eSIM version”, which is popular among travelers recently, and “Trifa”, which provides eSIMs for various countries, does not include Maldives as of December 24, 2022. is not in the target countries.
By the way, “TRUE TRAVEL SIM” and “Dtac Go INTER” are not included in the target countries of Maldives.
It is difficult to obtain because it is not sold on Thailand’s major EC site “LAZADA”.
I also checked on Amazon, but it seems that SIM cards that can be used in the Maldives are not sold.
Discover an eSIM that can be used in the Maldives!

After researching various SIM cards that can be used in the Maldives, I found an eSIM that can be used in the Maldives.
Using a service called AIRALO, it was possible to purchase Ooredoo’s eSIM that can be used in the Maldives.
As mentioned above, those who have eSIM compatible smartphones can choose and purchase the package of 17GB for 30 days or 30GB for 30 days.
Looking at the PLAN TYPE, it says Data, Voice & Text, so it seems to be a package that can use data, calls, and SMS that can be used in the Maldives.
If purchased before departure, just register eSIM before departure and switch SIM locally.
People who do not support eSIM can also purchase locally!
If you cannot use eSIM, you can purchase a prepaid SIM card locally.
Two careers in the Maldives!
There are two mobile carriers in the Maldives, “Ooredoo” and “Dhiraagu”, and there is not much difference, but the SIM card of “Ooredoo” is easier to get.
I’ve used both carriers and have had no problems with either.
When I checked the SIM card package for travelers on the Ooredoo Maldives website, it was the following package.
If you want to use it normally, I think 17GB is enough, so I think TOURIST PLAN $35 is enough.
Looking at the price, the AIRALO Maldives eSIM mentioned earlier is $5 cheaper, so people who have eSIM compatible smartphones can buy it a little cheaper!
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